An upper lid blepharoplasty, also known as an upper eyelid lift or eye lift procedure, is an operation to remove loose overhanging skin from the upper eyelids (also referred to as ‘dermatochalasis’). An upper eyelid blepharoplasty is performed for people who have droopy, overhanging eyelids that impair vision, cause frequent blinking and eye fatigue or look unsightly causing a cosmetic problem. A herniation of the medial upper lid fat pad (responsible for an oblique bulge seen in the inner aspect of the upper eyelid) is often treated at the same time. The aim of the surgery is an improved appearance without adversely affecting the important function of the upper eyelid i.e. blinking to distribute an even film of tears over the very sensitive surface of the eye – the cornea. An assessment of a patient’s tear status using a slit lamp microscope, looking for any signs of an impending dry eye problem, is essential when examining a patient seeking an upper lid blepharoplasty. It is for this reason that so many patients now seek the skills of an oculoplastic surgeon for their cosmetic eyelid surgery.
A patient with upper lid hooding
The patient after a bilateral upper lid blepharoplasty
A patient with upper lid hooding
The patient after a bilateral upper lid blepharoplasty
performed at Face & Eye by Mr Pedro Muel
Patients often experience headaches due to overuse of the forehead muscle (the frontalis muscle) that raises the eyebrows to compensate for the problem. An upper eyelid blepharoplasty can be combined with ptosis surgery if there is an associated true droop of the upper eyelid(s).
A patient with marked upper lid hooding, and lower lid ‘bags’
The same patient following a bilateral upper lid blepharoplasty and a ‘chemical brow lift’ using botulinum toxin injections (Azzalure injections).
She has also undergone a bilateral lower lid transconjunctival blepharoplasty with fat repositioning (‘scarless’ cosmetic lower eyelid surgery)
Often an eyebrow ptosis (drooping of the eyebrows) contributes to the problem and may need to be addressed separately or at the same time.
Lower lid blepharoplasty: for further information go to
A curved incision is made through the upper eyelid crease above the eyelashes and a crescent-shaped piece of skin is removed. The area of skin to be removed is first marked out (see photo below), ensuring that you can easily close the eye when the skin is gently pinched with forceps. In patients with bulges of fat, particularly in the inner corner of the upper eyelids, some of the fat may also be removed. Tiny blue, usually dissolvable, sutures (stitches) are inserted to close the skin wound. Click here to see a short video demonstrating the placement of the upper lid sutures.
The preoperative skin marking for an upper lid blepharoplasty
A patient with severe upper lid hooding
The patient following a bilateral upper lid blepharoplasty
For some patients, a subtle change is all that is desired:
A patient with loose upper lid skin and an intradermal naevus below the left brow
The appearance following a bilateral upper lid blepharoplasty and a shave excision of the intradermal naevus
An eyebrow lift or eyebrow stabilizing procedure is commonly performed at the same time to achieve the desired result and to prevent the brow from descending further following the removal of upper eyelid skin. In some people the appearance of “hooded” upper eyelids with overhanging skin is caused by a droop of the eyebrows rather than just by an excess of upper eyelid skin. A blepharoplasty alone may then be inappropriate and may in fact worsen the appearance. An operation to lift your eyebrows may be required instead or in addition. If appropriate in your own individual case this will be discussed with you. There are a number of different procedures, including non-surgical procedures, which can be undertaken to raise eyebrows. The one most suited to your individual needs, age and general health is selected.
The procedure can be performed under local anaesthesia on a day case basis. Most patients, however, prefer “twilight anaesthesia”.
You will visit the clinic to have a preoperative consultation. This usually lasts 45 minutes. You will be asked to complete a healthcare questionnaire, providing information about:
You will have your blood pressure checked by the nurses at the clinic.
It is very helpful if you have old photographs which you can bring along to the consultation. If you are happy to email digital photographs of your current appearance in advance of the consultation with details of your concerns, this is also enormously helpful and saves time. Your photographs will be kept confidential and will form part of your clinical record.
The nurses are also happy to answer any further questions and to show you the facilities at Face & Eye, including the operating theatre if it is not in use.
If you are unsure of the names of any medications, bring them with you.
You will be told whether or not to stop any medications at this preoperative clinic visit. For example, if you are taking aspirin-containing medicines or anticoagulants, they may need to be temporarily withdrawn or reduced in dose for two weeks before the procedure as long as these are not medically essential. You might need to check this with your GP. Any anti-inflammatory medicines e.g. Ibuprofen, Nurofen should be discontinued at least 2 weeks before surgery. These medicines predispose you to excessive bleeding. You will be given a leaflet advising you on what medications, foods, and vitamin supplements to avoid prior to surgery. It is important that your blood pressure should also be under good control if you take medications for hypertension.
If you can, try to stop smoking at least six to eight weeks prior to surgery. Smoking has an adverse effect on healing and damages your eyelid skin and supporting tissues and your eyes (it can result in premature cataract formation and age related macular degeneration with a loss of central vision).
Your vision in each eye will be measured.
Photographs of your face and eyelids will be taken before surgery so that the results of surgery can be compared with your original appearance. The photographs are confidential and can only be used for any purpose other than your own records with your specific written permission.
Some insurance companies request copies of preoperative photographs and some also require a visual field examination, to confirm that the eyelid problem is restricting your peripheral vision.
The risks and potential complications of surgery should be considered but these need to be kept in perspective. Complications in the hands of a trained and experienced oculoplastic surgeon are very rare and all precautions are taken to minimize any risks.
Most complications of eyelid surgery are amenable to successful treatment.
Complications from upper eyelid blepharoplasty surgery include:
After surgery, the eyes are initially covered with pressure dressings for approximately half an hour to reduce postoperative swelling and the wounds are treated with antibiotic ointment. The dressings are then removed and replaced with cool packs. Activity is restricted for 2 weeks to prevent bleeding.
You will be asked to clean the eyelids very gently using clean cotton wool and Normasol (sterile saline) or cooled boiled water and repeat the application of antibiotic ointment (usually Chloramphenicol or Soframycin) to the wounds 3 times a day for 2 weeks. The sutures used are dissolvable but are usually removed in clinic after 1 or 2 weeks. The skin around the eyes should be protected from direct sunlight, by avoidance if possible or by using protective sunglasses. Wearing make-up should be avoided for at least 2 weeks. After 2 weeks the use of mineral make-up is recommended. (The nurses at the clinic can demonstrate this to you). It is important to devote a lot of time to your aftercare for the first 2 weeks and some patients find this somewhat labour intensive.
A realistic period of recovery must be expected. Postoperative bruising usually takes at least 2-3 weeks to subside completely. Swelling takes much longer. Most of the swelling disappears after 3-4 weeks but this can vary considerably from patient to patient, as does the extent of the swelling. The final result is not seen for at least 3-4 months. This should be taken into consideration when scheduling the operation. You should arrange this surgery after holiday periods or important professional or social events and not before so that you are available for postoperative review and just in case any surgical adjustments are required.
The upper lid scars gradually fade to fine white marks within a few months. The scars are hidden within the skin crease unless an additional skin incision is required to remove a “dog-ear” of excess skin just below the tail of the eyebrow.
You will need to use frequent artificial tears for the first 2-3 weeks following surgery. It is preferable to use preservative free drops if you have any allergies. These will be prescribed for you e.g. Hyabak drops, Systane eye drops preservative free, Viscotears preservative free, Liquifilm tears preservative free, or Celluvisc drops and Lacrilube ointment at bedtime.
Please note that although blepharoplasty surgery (an eyelid lift) can be performed under local anaesthesia alone, local anaesthesia with safe, conscious intravenous sedation given by an experienced and skilled consultant anaesthetist (commonly referred to as “twilight anaesthesia”) is also available where requested. This form of anaesthesia is extremely popular with our patients and the effects are reversed very quickly. It enables local anaesthetic injections to be given painlessly with little recollection of the surgery, and helps to keep patients calm, relaxed and comfortable. It also helps to prevent rises in blood pressure thereby minimizing bleeding and postoperative bruising.
Click here to listen to Dr Paul Lancaster talking to a patient about twilight anaesthesia at the Face & Eye Clinic. Dr Lancaster is an expert consultant anaesthetist at Manchester Royal Infirmary.
Any patients requiring general anaesthesia or who are unsuitable for surgery at our day case facility, the Face & Eye Clinic, will be treated by our surgeons in a local private hospital e.g. Spire Manchester Hospital.