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The treatment can also result in a significant brow lift or can help to maintain a surgical brow lift. The treatment can also be used to raise a smile, and to improve early jowls.

A patient before treatment

A patient with a ‘chemical brow lift’ following treatment
The injections are very quick and simple to perform and are only associated with minor discomfort.
Aspirin, any medication which contains aspirin e.g. Anadin, and anti-inflammatory medicines e.g. Ibuprofen, Nurofen, Diclofenac should be avoided for 2 weeks before any such injections to minimize the risk of bruising.
Are the injections painful?
The injections are very quick and simple to perform and are only associated with minor discomfort.
How good are the results?
Facial Injections
- The results are very good and reproducible. Generally, the initial effect is seen within 3 days and the maximum effect is seen 7=10 days after treatment. The effects last approximately 3-4 months. Regular maintenance treatment every 3-4 months helps to prevent recurrence of the lines/wrinkles.
- the treatment can also be used in conjunction with a dermal filler for deep lines (although these should be given on separate occasions when treating the same area e.g. deep frown lines. The results of blepharoplasty surgery and brow lifts are also enhanced by the use of Botox injections given 1-2 weeks prior to surgery.
Is the treatment safe?
This treatment has been used in the field of medical and cosmetic treatments for over 25 years and are considered a very safe medication with a long safety track record.
Are there side effects?
Side effects in the hands of a trained and experienced practitioner are very rare and all precautions are taken to minimise any risks. Any unwanted effects are temporary and wear off after 3-4 months at the most.
Some bruising may occur but the risk of this is minimised by applying firm pressure immediately after the injections. It is, however, important to let us know if you have a bleeding disorder, or if you are using anti-coagulants e.g. Warfarin, or Aspirin or arthritis medications such as Ibuprofen. There have been no reported long term ill effects from the use of botulinum toxin injections.
After the treatment
- Avoid any massage to the injected areas to prevent spread of the treatment to other adjacent muscles.
- Patients can return to their normal activities straightaway but should avoid strenuous exercise for a few days or trauma to the injected areas.
How long have you been giving these injections?
Our surgeons at the Face & Eye clinic have been giving this treatment to their patients every week for well over 15 years. They are recognized as experts in the use of these injections.
What type of treatment do you use?
The specific choice depends on practitioner and patient preference.
I have heard that the treatments are used for other reasons. What are these?
- To help to raise the smile and treat mild jowls. This works by weakening the muscles which draw the lower face down, allowing the opposite muscles to overwork a little.
- Excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis) – the treatment is given into the axilla (the armpit) and are very effective. The effects last longer than for the management of wrinkles and lines, usually lasting for approximately 6 months or more.
- To treat patients with very severe watering of the eyes e.g. crocodile tears following a facial palsy – the treatments are given into the lacrimal gland. These are only given by an ophthalmic surgeon.
- To induce a temporary droop of the eyelid (ptosis) to protect the eye in patients with a chronic corneal ulcer or a facial palsy.
- To lower the eyelid(s) in a patient with upper lid retraction (stary eyes) due to thyroid eye disease.
- Migraine – the treatments can be beneficial in certain patients with migraine which is resistant to other standard treatments.
- As an anti-scarring treatment for carefully selected patients e.g. with thickened skin grafts. This is an off-label use to improve wound healing and scarring. We have used very low dose botulinum toxin injections for such patients since 2015, in combination with steroid injections, with very good results. A recent publication in the medical literature has confirmed that this has beneficial effects – click here to read the article.