
A chalazion (or meibomian cyst) is a common benign eyelid lump. It is commonly caused by blepharitis, an inflammatory condition of the eyelids. Visit to learn more about the self treatment of this condition. For patients whose chalazion persists in spite of these treatment measures, a quick day case surgical procedure (an incision and curettage under local anaesthesia) can be performed. We will soon be open and able to undertake this for patients who needs treatment.

Blocked meibomian gland orifices 

A typical upper lid chalazion 


Mr Saj Ataullah and our consultant colleague Mr Raman Malhotra in East Grinstead give a lecture about orbital cellulitis in an international webinar

Mr Cannon, Mr Ataullah and Mr Leatherbarrow have previously published a paper on this subject and concluded:

Empirical oral ciprofloxacin and clindamycin combination may be as safe and effective as i.v. therapy in the management of orbital cellulitis. Oral treatment can offer the advantages of rapid delivery of the first antibiotic dose, fewer interruptions in treatment, and simplified delivery of medication particularly in children


A very happy patient following a transconjunctival lower lid blepharoplasty with fat repositioning, followed by a postoperative injection of a small amount of Restylane to the outer lid-cheek junction to enhance the result. Tear trough injections are not always undertaken as an alternative to surgery in appropriate patients, but also in addition to surgery for some patients.


We wish Robin a long and very happy retirement, richly deserved after many decades in his role as an expert ocularist. His practice is being taken over by his son and daughter team, Chris Brammar and Susan Walker, as Brammar & Walker Ocularists – His wife Julie is continuing to manage the practice.



As we have had to close Face & Eye temporarily because of the COVID-19 lockdown, EYE2C Optometry is offering an online service for patients needing replacement glasses and contact lenses, but Becky is available for emergency eye care and advice at her practice in Sale (Maloney Opticians click on link

Optometrists are taking over primary eye care from GPs and are playing an increasingly vital role in the diagnosis and management of common eye problems e.g. a red eye from conjunctivitis and iritis, glaucoma screening,  forwarding patients to hospital for more complex or urgent disorders. Becky has a great deal of expertise and has the benefit and advantage of direct support for advice where needed from the consultant ophthalmologists at Face & Eye via secure video links.

Mr Leatherbarrow lecturing to GPs at Spire Manchester Hospital


Dr August, our consultant dermatologist has decided to retire after a long and distinguished career. We are very sorry to lose him from Face & Eye where he has practised for a number of years. Tuesdays at the clinic won’t be the same without him. The whole team at Face & Eye wish him all the very best for a long and happy retirement.



Clinic Closure Notice

It is with great sadness that we had no option but to temporarily close the Face & Eye Clinic as of Friday 27th March 2020 in order to prevent a wider spread of COVID-19 and to protect the NHS.

The Face & Eye Clinic has always been committed to providing a safe environment for patients and staff, in which high quality care can be delivered. Please rest reassured that we will continue to do so as soon as we are able to reopen our clinic, which we hope will be very soon. We are preparing the clinic to meet the requirements of social isolation.

What is important to know at the moment:

  • We are calling all patients who are affected to inform them that their appointment has been cancelled – telephone and video consultations may be offered where appropriate.
  • During the closure our mailbox will be continually monitored. We are remaining active to support you with anything you may need and will be happy to answer any queries you have.
  • You can also find information on our website
  • If you are a Face & Eye post-op patient with an urgent concern, please call the mobile number for your consultant which you were provided with when discharged. Please be aware that, during this period of closure, the consultants may not be able to respond immediately, as they may be undertaking vital NHS work. If you do not receive a response, please email

We thank you for your understanding during this difficult time. We will keep you updated on any changes and look forward to seeing you back at the clinic very soon.

Please stay alert and stay safe.



Cataract surgery with a lens implant and the closely related techniques of refractive lens exchange or ‘PRELEX’ (also known as clear lens extraction or lens exchange surgery) are some of the commonest forms of surgery. Most people having such surgery need glasses for reading although they may not require glasses for distance vision.

Now we can offer you a procedure which involves placing a very thin additional lens implant just in front of the standard lens implant. This new lens implant is the Sulcoflex Trifocal Lens which brings into focus the images of things closer to you e.g. a computer screen, a book, a newspaper, or a menu. If you also have a focussing error for distance, the Sulcoflex lens can be selected to also take account of this.

The  lens can also be a great option for those patients who may have already undergone cataract surgery under the NHS or privately and for whom multifocal lenses were not previously an option.

Some patients can choose to have multifocal type lens implants at the same time as their initial cataract surgery or refractive lens exchange procedure. If you are in this group, then the Sulcoflex trifocal is again an option for your needs.

A conventional high quality monofocal lens implant (the primary lens) is selected to replace any cataract which may be present whilst also correcting your focus for distance vision. If necessary this lens can also correct astigmatism. After that, the Sulcoflex trifocal lens is placed in front of the first lens implant giving a flexible, and reversible, approach to providing intermediate and near vision.

This is referred to as the DUET procedure.

The Sulcoflex trifocal lens and the DUET procedure offer an elegant, flexible, safe and clinically proven procedure, which is also reversible if necessary.

Book an appointment with our highly experienced cataract and refractive surgery consultant Mr Khalid Ikram at the Face & Eye Clinic, to discuss the options now available to further reduce your dependency on glasses.

N.B. The Sulcoflex Trifocal Lens implant is not available under the NHS.

Specialist Treatment

Contact us now to find out how we can help you with your eye, eyelid, or facial problems. You will find our website contains a great deal of helpful information about what we do. We welcome email enquiries.

Opening Hours

Monday – Friday: 8:00-18.00

Saturday: 9.00-13.00

Sunday: CLOSED


Get in touch

2 Gibwood Road
Northenden, Manchester
M22 4BT

Tel: 0161 947 2720


© Face & Eye 2025. Company reg number 05676475. Website by CCH Creative