Face & Eye offers a range of specialist cataract, ophthalmic, laser and refractive surgery procedures. The ophthalmic surgeons at Face & Eye are all Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeons experienced in diagnosing and treating medical conditions of the eye. They are, in addition, highly qualified and very experienced surgeons specialising in intraocular and refractive surgery
This refers to surgery undertaken to replace a patient’s own lens with a lens implant in order to improve the patient’s visual performance, often overcoming the patient’s reliance on glasses for distance e.g. for driving, or for near e.g. for reading.
Sulcoflex Trifocal Lens and the DUET Procedure
Click here for more information.
YAG laser treatment for the treatment of posterior capsular opacification is undertaken at the Face & Eye Clinic using the most modern laser. The treatment is very quick and painless.
SLT (selective laser trabeculoplasty) is a relatively new treatment for some patients with glaucoma.
There are a number of corneal conditions which can result in the need for surgical procedures. One of the most common is a condition known as Keratoconus, in which the cornea becomes progressively thinned and starts to bow forward just below its centre. Other conditions include various abnormalities of structure known as corneal dystrophies, or scars caused by infections (e.g. herpetic eye disease – herpes simplex keratitis – HSK) or trauma.
0161 947 2720