Minor operations for lumps, bumps and cysts
Mr John Cooper, oculoplastic nurse practitioner, is now offering a service at Face & Eye to manage eyelid lumps, bumps, xanthelasmata, and cysts including chalazia (meibomian cysts). Mr Cooper has been undertaking such treatments independently at Manchester Royal Eye Hospital for a number of years and has been an oculoplastic nurse practitioner at Manchester Royal Eye Hospital for over a decade. He can offer this service at a very competitive price for self pay patients (https://www.faceandeye.co.uk/prices/- go to Minor Operations by Oculoplastic Nurse Practitioner) who are happy for a nurse to undertake their treatment for minor lesions. If there are any concerns about the nature of a lesion he will defer to the oculoplastic surgeons at the clinic, or he will advise your GP to refer you to a local NHS hospital.